Article by Rabbi Anna Gerrard, Outreach Director, Liberal Judaism

Liberal Judaism as a movement only exists because of its constituent communities and the relationship between the movement and the communities is important and precious.  The central movement can support individual communities, connect resources and ideas and be provide opportunities for gatherings on a national level.

When juggling a tight budget it can be tempting to ask why your community pays its affiliation fees.  The following is an overview of some of the reasons Liberal Judaism exists and is of benefit to your community and to others.

The Montagu Centre provides a national presence in the Jewish and secular media and the political arena

  • Rabbinic Conference – religious leadership, support for community Rabbis
  •  Supporting Leo Baeck College (1/3 of Community Affiliation Fees) – training Student Rabbis & Rabbinic In Service Training
  •  Beit Din for conversion and status issues
  •  Publication of siddur, machzor, haggadah, life-cycle liturgy
  •  Support of communities when needed
  •  LJY Netzer—summer camp, youth leadership, youth leader training
  •  Ba’alei Tefillah Programme – training lay service leaders
  •  National events – Biennial Weekend, Day of Celebration
  •  Regional events – Regional Shabbaton, student work, young adult events
  •  Resource Bank – leadership advice, conversion programme, music resources, publicity resources, cheder curriculum, adult education catalogue
  •  Sunday Seminars – leadership training seminars
  •  Learning Network – Cheder support, curriculum, teacher training