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Lesson Objective:
Learn and understand the story of Joshua and the Walls of Jericho

Lesson Outcome:
By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt  about how Joshua led the Israelite army into the city of Jericho.

The Story of Joshua and the Walls of Jericho
Brick Wall
Fairytales in 30 words


  • Brainstorm: Joshua Children to recall what they already know about Joshua from the previous lesson. Remind children about how Joshua led the Israelites across the River Jordan and built a monument to remind people that God helped take the Israelites across.

Main Teaching

  • The Story of Joshua and the Walls of Jericho – Read through the story of Joshua leading his people into Jericho. Discuss the story and what happened in Jericho and how God helped the Israelites by making the walls tumble down.  Referring to the previous lesson, ask the children to think about whether Joshua showed qualities of a good leader during this story.


  • Option 1: Film the Walls Tumbling Down – Tell the children that they are going to be film producers, directors and actors. They will perform the Israelite army taking over the city of Jericho. Children to work as a team to perform the film using appropriate props from around the Cheder. Think about how they can make the walls tumble and how they will act out the story. Children may wish to make puppets or have props to represent people. Film the movie using either a digital camera or a video recorder. Aim to show the children (and perhaps parents) at a “premiere” the following week.  (You may wish to split them into two groups or more and produce different versions of the film).
  • Option 2: Story in 30 words – Showing examples of fairytales in thirty words, children to write their own version of the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho in thirty words in the brick template.  Each brick should contain only one word. Children should spend time drafting their story before transferring it onto the bricks. Children should decorate the wall after.


  • Share work – Children to either perform (option 1) or read out their stories (option 2) to the rest of the class.
  • Summary of Joshua – Make a list of the qualities and attributes of Joshua and consider how his leadership helped the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land.