Small Community Constitution (Sample: Wessex)

Small Community Constitution (Sample: Peterborough)

Notice of General Meeting (Template)

Proxy Notice (Sample: LJ)



Expenses Form Template

Gift Aid Declaration



New Volunteer Form

Membership Form (Sample: LJS)

Membership Form (Sample: GLJC)

Code of Conduct Template



For information about safeguarding, please contact Liberal Judaism’s Safeguarding Officer Becca Fetterman at


GDPR & Data Protection:

Data Protection: Dos and Dont’s

GDPR Briefing for Liberal Judaism Communities

GDPR Presentation

Data Subject Request Procedure (Sample: LJ)

Data Subject Request Form (Sample: LJ)

Notice of Legitimate Interest (Sample: LJ)

Sample Consent Form (Sample: LJ)

Privacy Notice for Community Leaders (Sample: LJ)

Personal Data Audit (Sample: LJ)

Data Protection Procedure (Sample: Peterborough)

Privacy Notice (Sample: Peterborough)

Members Consent Form (Sample: Peterborough)

Non-Members Consent Form (Sample: Peterborough)

Confidentiality Agreement (Sample: Peterborough)



B’nei Mitzvot (Sample: Peterborough) 

Funeral Guide (Sample: Peterborough)

Advance Personal Information Template
This link will allow you to  download an advanced personal information form for free. This form has been designed by a member of Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue, drawing from his experience as an executor following the deaths of four relatives.  Completion of this document will be a gift to your family and will be essential if you have a serious illness, dementia, stroke and when you die. It can be completed online and saved on to a USB drive, or printed and then completed by hand. Thousands have been downloaded over last 12 months.