LJY-Netzer is a youth movement committed to the ideals of Liberal Judaism, Progressive Zionism and Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World). We fulfil this commitment through informal education, hadracha (leadership) and informed decision-making.

LJY-Netzer is the youth movement of Liberal Judaism and a branch of Netzer Olami, – a world-wide progressive Jewish and Reform Zionist youth movement. We are run by young people for young people and bring our ideology to life in engaging, dynamic and inclusive ways. We run a host of events throughout the year that mix fun, games, prayer, community, social action and informal education with the excitement of getting out and about and being away from home. As well as weekend events, we run loads of other events including a spring camp (Machaneh Aviv), our super summer camp (Machaneh Kadimah),  summer tours abroad, a leadership training programme, social action projects and many more. Look out for more great events very soon!

We aim to create an environment in which people can develop their own Liberal Jewish identities. We therefore foster an equal and inclusive community in which each individual is valued and we use informal methods to educate our participants on Judaism so that they may forge that Jewish identity themselves. We engage in both creative and traditional forms of prayer to help our participants in this process.

As a Progressive Zionist youth movement we encourage our chaverim (members) to develop a personal relationship with Israel. We believe in the unique importance of Israel to the Jewish people and strongly support the existence of Medinat Israel (the State of Israel) and its development towards the ideals of its founders. We organise both short-term (1 month) and long-term (8 months) programmes in Israel for our members to participate in, as well as bringing a flavour of Israel to all our events through cultural experiences, working with Israeli nationals and the use of some Hebrew words.

We also strive to be active in our commitment to Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World) on all levels, from self (Tikkun Atzmi) to social action on a range of communal and global issues. This vision of Tikkun is inspired by our Liberal Jewish ideology.

As movement we never want to rest on our laurels so are always examining our ideologies and practises. We believe strongly in youth empowerment with all our members, from 8-25 years old, having a say on how the movement is run at various decision making forums.

LJY-Netzer is a youth movement run for its members by its members. It provides an opportunity for creating strong Progressive Jewish identities, enjoying friendships, participating in stimulating events and having fun together.

Find out more about LJY-Netzer by clicking here.


To contact the Movement Workers, see below:

Tom Francies –

Tom’s responsibilities include Ananim v’Plagim (school years 3 & 4 and 5 & 6), ShnatNetzer (Gap Year) and B’Shamayim (Day Camp).

tom@liberaljudaism.org, 0207 631 9825

Anna Craven –

Anna’s responsibilities include Nechalim (school years 7 & 8), Israel Tour (School year 11) and Hadracha (leadership training)

AnnaC@liberaljudaism.org, 0207 631 9823

Sam Alston –

Sam’s responsibilities include Yamim (school years 9 & 10), KayitzNetzer (Gap Year) and Social Action.

SamA@liberaljudaism.org, 0207 631 9827