PR and Communications Away Day

On Sunday 4th December 2016, the LJ Comms Team facilitated a PR and Communications Away Day. You can read the hand outs for the day below. A guide to social media and using Facebook and Twitter to your advantage Your full PR guide, including how to write a press release and contact print and broadcast…

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LJ eBulletin

(Ysabella Hawkings, LJ eBulletin Editor) The Ebulletin is Liberal Judaism’s weekly e-newsletter. It is sent to all community bulletin and newsletter editors, rabbis, synagogue chairs and lay   leadership and many other Liberal Judaism members. The Ebulletin is primarily for information that is of interest to Liberal Judaism’s membership as a whole e.g. events, Liberal…

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Coverage in the Press

When to Send: The Jewish Chronicle’s deadline is Wednesday. However the Community section is often finished before then so it’s best to send submissions as soon as possible – ideally Thursday, Friday or Monday. For big events and chaggim (e.g. Mitzvah Day, Purim), the paper may do a large spread. What to Send: Submit a…

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Professionally designed publicity materials that we will customize and send to you so you can advertise your community. If you would like one of these posters, edited with your community details, please use this form to request one .  You will receive your poster within 14 days. We will send you two PDF files, one that you…

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