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Lesson Objective:
Learn about the wisdom of Solomon
Discuss how we solve problems and think about conflict resolution
See through the Proverbs the wisdom of the Tanakh

Lesson Outcome:
By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about the wisdom of Solomon, thought about how to solve conflicts and interpreted some of the proverbs attributed to Solomon.

The Story of Solomon
Problems to Solve
Proverb Dictionary
Storyboard Template



  • Brainstorm – What is Wisdom? – Ask the class what they understand by the term ‘wise’. What is wisdom? Can they name any wise people that they know and say why? In the lesson they will learn about Solomon’s wisdom and be asked to resolve some problems. While working they should consider whether one bit of wisdom makes someone a wise person. .

Main Teaching

  • Solomon – Tell the class that Solomon was the son of David and Bath Sheba and the third King of Israel. He is considered to have been extremely wise.
  • The Story of Solomon – Read The Story of Solomon and the baby up to the point before he makes his judgment. Ask the class what they would do. Tell them about Solomon’s solution and ask them what they think about what Solomon did.


  • Option 1: You Be the Judge – Tell the class that they are going to be judges. Ask them to work in pairs to help solve some problems. Invite one person to be the senior judge. This person should not see the problem scenarios. Give out the problem scenarios to each pair and ask them to decide how best to resolve the situation. If a pair can’t agree on a solution then they have to take their case to the senior judge who must hear what the problem is and what solution each on is proposing. The senior judge has to decide how to settle the argument. This should be acted out in front of the rest of the class who will decide whether the senior judge has acted wisely.
  • Option 2: Proverb Dictionary – Children to read through the page of Proverbs, attributed to King Solomon. Using the dictionary template, children to create a dictionary of wise sayings. Interpret Solomon’s proverbs and re-write them in their own words and create some of their own wise words.
  • Option 3: Argument Storyboard – Using the Storyboard Template, children to draw and write about a recent argument they had with a friend or relative. Think about how it was resolved and perhaps include two alternative endings.


  • What makes you Wise? – Children to think about what makes them wise. Each child to name one thing they are good at and think they are “wise” at. Children to discuss how they can be wise people at school and at home.