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Lesson Objective:
Learn about the Kibbutz

Lesson Outcome:
By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about the Kibbutz and created their own Kibbutz

Life on a Kibbutz
Pictures of a Kibbutz


  • Brainstorm about Israel – children to recap and add anything they know about Israel and the main cities and sites.

Main Teaching

  • Introduce the Lesson – Explain that today we will take a journey to a Kibbutz – ask if any of the children know what a Kibbutz is or have visited a Kibbutz.
  • ShowPictures of a life on a Kibbutz from fact file and ask children to discuss some of the main priorities and ways of living on the Kibbutz. Make a note of these on the board for later reference.The Kibbutz could be designed on A3 card using colours and lots of decoration. Make sure that everything needed to run a successful Kibbutz is included. Prompts will be needed.
    If the children are working in smaller groups, ask them to present their Kibbutz to the rest of the class.
  • Design and create own Kibbutz – Children to plan a design for their Kibbutz using the list from the board. Children to think about what the Kibbutz will produce (oranges, milk, wine, leather, cotton), whether there will be a school, doctors, farm or other important things on it. How many people will be able to stay on the Kibbutz – this needs to link in to the number of workers they will need. Remember, that on a Kibbutz, workers will live on the Kibbutz and earn their food and keep rather than earn lots of money for doing a job. Everybody helps everybody by using their skills.



  • Children to stamp their passports – Be as decorative as you like to show the lesson completed.