

Resources for the Liberal Jewish movement in the UK.


Advice and guidelines for running a Liberal Jewish community, downloadable template documents, leadership training opportunities and PR resources.


A directory of articles offering advice on different aspects of community life - written by some of Liberal Judaism's most experienced leaders. Community Leadership The Rabbinic Role Student Rabbis...

Affiliation to Liberal Judaism

Article by Rabbi Anna Gerrard, Outreach Director, Liberal Judaism Liberal Judaism as a movement only exists because of its constituent communities and the relationship between the movement and the...
Adult Learning

Adult Learning

Lifelong learning is a Jewish tradition that dates back to late antiquity and has become a symbol for the Jewish people, the people of the book.

Community Chair

(Michael Hart, Chair, The LJS) Getting started Plan the transition from the previous Chair, if possible making it a gradual process. The role will vary between different congregations, depending...

Kabbalat Torah

Article by Rabbi Aaron Goldstein, Senior Rabbi, Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue One of the early innovations of Liberal Judaism was the introduction of Kabbalat Torah (confirmation) at age 15,...

The Rabbinic Role

Article by Rabbi Andrew Goldstein, Emeritus Rabbi, Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue The congregational rabbi is often assumed to fill a range of roles: pastor, preacher, service leader, cantor, ...
Student Rabbis

Student Rabbis

Article by Rabbi Dr Charles Middleburgh, Director of Jewish Studies, Leo Baeck College Student rabbis spend five years at Leo Baeck College studying for the rabbinate. To prepare them for the intellectual...

Youth Clubs

(Sam Grant, former Community Youth Coordinator) ‘Modern boys and girls…have many openings to interest them and many interests to divert them…Enthusiasm has to be very great to induce them to give ...


LJY-Netzer is a youth movement committed to the ideals of Liberal Judaism, Progressive Zionism and Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World). We fulfil this commitment through informal education, hadracha (leadership)...

Community Welfare

by Rabbi Sandra Kviat, Community Educator, Liberal Judaism Welfare and care for members are a central part of any community. Some large communities have part time professionals running volunteer services, ...


GOVERNANCE: Small Community Constitution (Sample: Wessex) Small Community Constitution (Sample: Peterborough) Notice of General Meeting (Template) Proxy Notice (Sample: LJ)   FINANCE: Expenses ...

PR and Communications Away Day

On Sunday 4th December 2016, the LJ Comms Team facilitated a PR and Communications Away Day . You can read the hand outs for the day below. A guide to social media and using Facebook and Twitter...

LJ eBulletin

(Ysabella Hawkings, LJ eBulletin Editor) The Ebulletin is Liberal Judaism’s weekly e-newsletter. It is sent to all community bulletin and newsletter editors, rabbis, synagogue chairs and lay   leadership an...

Coverage in the Press

When to Send: The Jewish Chronicle’s deadline is Wednesday. However the Community section is often finished before then so it’s best to send submissions as soon as possible – ideally Thursday, Frida...


Professionally designed publicity materials that we will customize and send to you so you can advertise your community. If you would like one of these posters, edited with your community details, please...


These are online seminars that cover different areas of Liberal Jewish community life and leadership.  They are suitable for use at a council meeting or a working party on a particular project or as a ...

Membership Fees in Liberal Jewish Communities

This is an online seminar about rethinking the structures of your membership fees, compiled and recorded by Rabbi Anna Gerrard, former Outreach Director for Liberal Judaism. The main seminar consists ...

Welfare in Liberal Judaism Communities

This is an online seminar about community welfare provision by Angela Peters, Care Coordinator for Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue (NLPS).  NPLS is a large community so you may need to adapt the ...

Finding the Flocks: New Member Outreach

This is an online seminar about finding and drawing in new members to your community, compiled and recorded by Rabbi Anna Gerrard, former Outreach Director for Liberal Judaism. The seminar can be viewed...


Learning sessions for the whole community, courses and curricula for children and adults, plus a library of books, DVDs and book boxes.
Cheder Curricula

Cheder Curricula

Innovative and accessible learning curricula for your Cheder/Religion School.

Ethics and Morality

Different names of God Maimonides' Ladder Standing Up To Peer Pressure Telling a Lie The Power of Money The Power of Words What does God expect of me When to Save a Life Whose Money is...

Different Names of God

Lesson Objectives: Discuss the names and attributes of God List own attributes and characteristics Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt a number of different...

Name doodles activity

Name doodle 1 Name doodle 2

Maimonides' Ladder

Maimonides' Ladder Session 1 Maimonides' Ladder Session 2

Maimonides' Ladder Session 1

Lesson Objective: Understand the importance of Maimonides’ Ladder and giving to charity Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about Maimonides’ Ladder of Charity and...

Maimonides' Ladder Session 2

Lesson Objective: Understand the importance of Maimonides’ Ladder and giving to charity. Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt more about Maimonides’ Ladder of ...

Standing Up To Peer Pressue

Lesson Objective: Think about the dangers of peer pressure and how to combat it Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have discussed peer pressure and how it can affect...

Telling a Lie

Lesson Objective: Determine whether it is acceptable to lie on any occasion. Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have read and discussed a moral dilemma and decided...

The Power of Money

Lesson Objective: Interpret the different laws for finding and keeping money. Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have read the different interpretations for finding...

The Power of Words

Lesson Objective: Consider how your choice of words can be powerful Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have tried to understand how words can be powerful for good and...

What Does God Expect of Me?

Lesson Objective: Understand what God expects of you Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have tried to understand what God expects of them and written their own prayer....

When to Save a Life

Lesson Objective: Understand the implications of being a hero Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have read and discussed a moral dilemma and thought about the implications...

Whose Money is it Anyway?

Lesson Objective: Consider different sides of a moral issue Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have read and discussed a moral dilemma, looking at different interpretations...


Teaching the Festivals Chanukah Pesach Purim Rosh Hashanah Shabbat Shavuot Simchat Torah Sukkot Tu Bishevat Yom Kippur

Teaching the Festivals

It is possible to spend one or more lessons on each festival. Below is a quick guide to how many activities given for each festival and a suggestion for how many weeks to teach the topic. When teaching...


Lesson Objective: Know what Chanukah is and why we celebrate it Understand the importance of the story of Chanukah Learn about the foods and symbols associated with Chanukah Lesson Outcome:...


Pesach Lesson 1 - The Story Pesach Lesson 2 - The Seder

Pesach Lesson 1 - The Story

Lesson Objective: Know what Pesach is and why we celebrate it Understand the importance of the story of Pesach and the Ten Plagues Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children...

Pesach Lesson 2 - The Seder

Lesson Objective: Understand the importance of the Seder Learn about the symbols of the Seder Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have understood the meaning and...


Lesson Objective: Know what Purim is and why we celebrate it Understand the importance of the story of Purim Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have understood...

Rosh Hashanah

Lesson Objective: Know what Rosh Hashanah is and why we celebrate it. Know the objects associated with Rosh Hashanah Learn the calls of the Shofar Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson,...


Lesson Objective: Know what Shabbat is and why we celebrate it Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have understood the meaning and importance of Shabbat Resources:...


Lesson Objective: Know what Shavuot is and why we celebrate it Learn about the stories and significance of Shavuot Understand the importance of the story of Ruth and Naomi Lesson Outcome:...

Simchat Torah

Lesson Objective: Know what Simchat Torah is and why we celebrate it Understand the importance of the Torah Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have understood the...


Lesson Objective: Know what Sukkot is and why we celebrate it Understand the importance of a Sukkah Learn about the objects associated with Sukkot Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson,...

Tu Bishevat

Lesson Objective: Know what Tu Bishevat is and why we celebrate it Understand the importance of recycling and looking after the environment Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the...

Yom Kippur

Lesson Objective: Know what Yom Kippur is and why we celebrate it Distinguish between a normal day and the day of Yom Kippur Understand that Yom Kippur is the Day of Judgement Lesson Outcome:...


Lesson 1 - Passports Lesson 2 - Timeline Lesson 3 - Jerusalem Lesson 4 - A Journey Through Israel Lesson 5 - Geography Lesson 6 - Kibbutz Lesson 7 - The Hatikvah Lesson 8 - Emblem Lesson...

Lesson 1 - Passport to Israel (Introduction)

Lesson Objective: Recall Prior Knowledge about Israel Create a Passport Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have created a passport for their journey around Israel...

Lesson 2 - Timeline

Lesson Objective: Learn about the History of Israel Create a Timeline Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have created a timeline showing the history of Israel Resources: ...

Lesson 3 - Jerusalem

Lesson Objective: Learn about the Important Sites of Jerusalem Write a Message to God Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about important sites in Jerusalem...

Lesson 4 - A Journey Through Israel

Lesson Objective: Learn about the Important Sites of Israel Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about important sites in Israel and written a postcard from...

Lesson 5 - Geography

Lesson Objective: Learn about the location of the cities of Israel Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have labelled the cities of Israel on the map Resources: fact...

Lesson 6 - Kibbutz

Lesson Objective: Learn about the Kibbutz Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about the Kibbutz and created their own Kibbutz Resources: Life on a...

Lesson 7 - The Hatikvah

Lesson Objective: Learn and Understand the Hatikvah Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have read           and understood the Hatikvah and written their own   poem f...

Lesson 8 - Emblem

Lesson Objective: Understand the importance of the Israeli Emblem Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have understood the importance of the Israeli emblem and created...

Lesson 9 - Summary

Lesson Objective: To recap on the knowledge gained in the project Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have remembered key facts about Israel Resources: Israel...


Lesson 1 - Family Trees Lesson 2 - Birth and Circumcision Lesson 3 - Families Lesson 4 - B'nei Mitzvah Lesson 5 - Kabbalat Torah Lesson 6 - Marriage Lesson 7 - Jewish Home Lesson 8 - Death...

Lesson 1 - Family Trees

Lesson Objective: Understand that life is a series of cycles Draw your family tree Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have created their own family tree Resources:...

Lesson 2 - Birth and Circumcision

Lesson Objective: Understand circumcision as a sign of the covenant Learn the vocabulary and ritual associated with circumcision Know that there is an initiation for girls Lesson Outcome:...

Lesson 3 - Families

Lesson Objective: Look at different types of family Think about how sibling relationships can be challenging Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt   about ...

Lesson 4 - B'nei Mitzvah

Lesson Objective: Learn about the role of a Bar or Bat mitzvah in Jewish life Think about what it means to read from the Torah and become part of the community Lesson Outcome: By the end...

Lesson 5 - Kabbalat Torah

Lesson Objective: Understand the importance of Kabbalat Torah to Liberal Jews Compare and contrast B’nei Mitzvah and Kabbalat Torah Consider what groups or communities they are a part of Lesson O...

Lesson 6 - Marriage

Lesson Objective: Learn about some of the rituals of a Jewish Wedding Think about what it means to make a commitment to marry someone Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children...

Lesson 7 - Jewish Home

Lesson Objective: Consider what signs and objects are found in a Jewish home Learn about the role of the mezuzah as a Jewish object. Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children...

Lesson 8 - Death and Mourning

Lesson Objective: Learn about the significance of death and mourning Think about what it means to remember someone who has died Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will...

Lesson 9 - Parents and Children

Lesson Objective: Review the Ten Commandments Understand the importance of honouring your parents Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have thought about what they...
Torah People

Torah People

Introduction to teaching 1. Adam and Eve 2. Cain and Abel 3. Noah 4. Abraham and Sarah 5. Isaac and Rebecca 6. Jacob 7. Joseph 8. Moses
Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Lesson Objective: Know and Understand the Story of Creation Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about the story of creation and Adam and Eve. Resources:...
Introduction to Teaching

Introduction to Teaching

It is possible to spend one or more lessons on each person. Below is a quick guide to how many activities given for each character and a suggestion for how many weeks to teach the topic. When teaching...
Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel

Lesson Objective: Know and Understand the Story of Cain and Abel   Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about the story of Cain and Abel and thoughts...


Lesson Objective: To Know the Story of Noah’s Ark Learn about the importance of trust in the story Consider the emotions of different characters in the story Consider what it takes for people a...
Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah

Lesson Objective: Know and Understand the Stories of Abraham and Sarah Think about the significance of Abraham’s actions   Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will h...
Isaac and Rebecca

Isaac and Rebecca

Lesson Objective: Know and Understand the Story of Isaac and Rebecca Think about the qualities of a good person   Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have...


Lesson Objective: To Know the Stories of Jacob Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about the stories of Jacob and thought about how it is wrong to trick...


Lesson Objective: To Know the Story of Joseph Learn about the importance of Joseph and his dreams Consider how bullying can be prevented Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the...


There are six clear topics in this plan. You may wish to teach over a whole term or just pick those topics which suit you and your class. Lesson Objective: Understand the role that Moses plays...
Post-Torah People

Post-Torah People

Daniel 1: Dreams Daniel 2: Personal Strength Deborah: Just Wars Elijah: Loving Kindess Ezrah: Torah Jeremiah: Covenant Jonah: Personal Attributes Joshua 1: Leadership Joshua 2: Leadership...

Daniel 1: Dreams

Lesson Objective: Consider personal dreams Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about the story of Daniel and the dream, as well as considered what dreams...

Daniel 2: Personal Strength

Lesson Objective: Understand the importance of personal strength  Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt   about the story of Daniel and the lion’s den, and...
Deborah: Just Wars

Deborah: Just Wars

Lesson Objective: Learn about the story of Deborah Develop a view on Just War - considering whether fighting for freedom is justified Introduce the idea of informed opinion Lesson Outcome:...
Elijah: Loving Kindess

Elijah: Loving Kindess

Lesson Objective: Learn about the stories of Elijah and Elisha Identify acts of loving kindness in the stories Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about...
Ezrah: Torah

Ezrah: Torah

Lesson Objective: Understand Ezrah’s link to the Torah Think about mitzvot as commandments and commitments. Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have understood t...
Jeremiah: Covenant

Jeremiah: Covenant

Lesson Objective: Introduce the divided kingdom and the exile Develop an understanding of the covenant Learn about Jeremiah and his times Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children...
Jonah: Personal Attributes

Jonah: Personal Attributes

Lesson Objective: Learn and understand the story of Jonah Consider personal attributes Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have read the story of Jonah and understood...
Joshua 1: Leadership

Joshua 1: Leadership

Lesson Objective: Learn and understand the story of Joshua Consider the features of a good leader Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about how Joshua...
Joshua 2: Leadership II

Joshua 2: Leadership II

Lesson Objective: Learn and understand the story of Joshua and the Walls of Jericho Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt  about how Joshua led the Israelite ...
King David: What Makes a Good Person?

King David: What Makes a Good Person?

Lesson Objective: Learn and understand the story of King David Consider personal attributes Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt   about the life of King ...
Micah: Being Like God

Micah: Being Like God

Lesson Objective: Appreciate that the messages of Micah are very relevant today Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about the prophecies of Micah and considered...
Samson: Trust and Betrayal

Samson: Trust and Betrayal

Lesson Objective: Learn and understand the story of Samson Understand that everyone has strengths and weaknesses Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt about...
Samuel: Commitment

Samuel: Commitment

Lesson Objective: Understand the meaning of covenant and commitment Learn about Samuel’s relationship with God Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have learnt   ab...
Saul: What Makes a Good Monarch

Saul: What Makes a Good Monarch

Lesson Objective: Determine the important qualities a monarch needs to have Lesson Outcome: By the end of the lesson, the children will have read about the way in which Saul disobeyed God...
Solomon: Wisdom

Solomon: Wisdom

Lesson Objective: Learn about the wisdom of Solomon Discuss how we solve problems and think about conflict resolution See through the Proverbs the wisdom of the Tanakh Lesson Outcome: By...
"From Yesterday, For Tomorrow": Holocaust Education Unit

"From Yesterday, For Tomorrow": Holocaust Education Unit

Liberal Judaism strongly recommends this curriculum, which was developed by the organisation From Yesterday, For Tomorrow.  Suitable for 11-16 year-olds, it looks at different aspects of the Holocaust...


Action - Lesson Plan Action - Teacher's Notes Action - PowerPoint Action - Resource B Action - Resource C Action - Resource D Action - Resource E Action - Resource F Action - Resource G...


Bystander - Lesson Plan Bystander - Teacher's Notes Bystander - PowerPoint FYFT - Pledge Card (image opens in new tab) Bystander - Resource A Bystander - Resource B Bystander - Resource C Bystander...


Choices - Lesson Plan Choices - Teacher's Notes FYFT - Pledge Card (image opens in new tab) Choices - Resource A Choices - Resource B (1) , (2) , (3) , (4) , (5) Choices -...


Commemoration - Lesson Plan Commemoration - Teacher's Notes  


Dehumanisation - Lesson Plan Dehumanisation - Teacher's Notes Dehumanisation - Resource A Dehumanisation - Resource B (1) , (2) , (3) , (4) Dehumanisation - Resource C (1)...




Language - Lesson Plan Language - Teacher's Notes Language - PowerPoint FYFT - Pledge Card (image opens in new tab)


Perpetrator - Lesson Plan Perpetrator - Teacher's Notes Perpetrator - Resource A Perpetrator - Resource B Perpetrator - Resource C Perpetrator - Resource D Perpetrator - Resource...


Victims - Lesson Plan Victims - Teacher's Notes Victims - Resource A Victims - Letter Address
Community Events

Community Events

One-off session plans for learning opportunities in your community, including festival activities, study sessions and inter-generational learning.

The Living Wage at Liberal Judaism

In 2014 Liberal Judaism took the decision to become the first UK Jewish Synagogul Movement to fully embrace and support the Living Wage Campaign. The documents below are taken from a pack that was produced...

Other Festival Events

Creative Suggestions for Particular Holidays This information comes from a module of the LJ Ba'alei Tefillah (lay leadership training) programme. It gives some useful hints and tips with regard to...
Adult Learning

Adult Learning

Resources for running adult learning programmes, a catalogue of learning sessions that you can book for your community and a complete A2LJ curriculum for conversion courses.
Adult Learning Catalogue

Adult Learning Catalogue

A catalogue of adult learning sessions, offered by Liberal Judaism Rabbis and educators, that you can book to be run in your community.
Adult Learning Programmes

Adult Learning Programmes

Short courses and one-off sessions for use in your Adult Education programme, written by Rabbis and Educators in Liberal Judaism communities.
A2LJ Curriculum (Protected)

A2LJ Curriculum (Protected)

A full curriculum of guided study for those converting to Judaism and other adult learners. To request the password, email education@liberaljudaism.org (Please note the password was updated in January...


Details of Liberal Judaism’s Reference Library, based at the Montagu Centre plus the DVD and Book Box lending service for Liberal Judaism communities.


Browse our catalogue of books, educational material and musical resources that can be found in the Reference Library at the Montagu Centre.
Book Boxes

Book Boxes

Lendable boxes of 30+ books for adults and children that you can borrow from Liberal Judaism to enhance or become your community’s library.


Borrow Jewish and Israeli DVDs to show in your community from our extensive catalogue, available free of charge to all Liberal Judaism communities.


Service booklets for every occasion, sermons to share, transliteration files and musical recordings of the prayers from Siddur Lev Chadash.
Service Booklets

Service Booklets

Customised prayer booklets that have been made by Liberal Judaism communities for various occasions that you can adapt and use in your community. Friday Night Table Blessings Shabbat B'Yachad Service...


Standardised transliterations of the liturgy in Liberal Judaism’s prayer books for use when making prayer booklets for special occasions. Shabbat Services: Transliteration for Erev Shabbat Services ...

Divrei Torah

A selection of short sermons to start discussions, or for use when there is no one available in your community to give a sermon. A Question for Each and Every Liberal Jew by Aaron Goldstein A Question...
Liturgical Music

Liturgical Music

Music in Services – an article by Cantor Gershon Silins. Page numbers in the relevant Liberal Judaism prayer book are referenced in the file names. Please scroll down for recordings from Machzor R...
Music in Services

Music in Services

Article by Cantor Gershon Silins, LJ Outreach Team with responsibility for Music Music is one of the central elements of Jewish observance and communal life, preserving traditions, enriching and deepening...
Contact Us

Contact Us

The Montagu Centre 21 Maple Street London W1T 4BE Tel: +44 (0) 20 7580 1663

Legal and Privacy

Liberal Judaism is a registered charity number 236590. This website is designed solely to provide you information about the Liberal Judaism and our activities. Although we try to maintain the accuracy...